After EVS

Rana2Time Passing, it has been two months since I said goodbye and took my bags and left. No matter how much you thought about it and said that it will be okay, reality is not like this. The truth, after EVS everything is different. The way you think will become different, the way you see life, friends and even yourself. When I applied to the program everyone who is involved told me that you will change, and that after this year you will become different, but no one told me that saying goodbye means that I am letting big part of myself behind me, that one day I will wakeup looking to my family and say that they do not understand me, that I want to go back to the people whom I did not make any effort to explain what I am going through. After EVS I learned one of the basic things in life; that no matter who you are or from where you come we are connected. I never thought I will write these words and say that a person that I spent ONE year with, understand me more than my life time friends.  But one thing I will always give credit for EVS, no matter how long I live and where I end up in my life, EVS gave me a friend that when I am down all I have to do is to pick the photo she gave me and look to her smile.

Rana1I started to write this in order to tell you how is it after EVS but through out me writing this I realized that what I am actually trying to do is to tell my FAMILY around this whole world that I miss them, that every day I am spending in my country is a reminder that the person I am now is the one who they helped converting. That I missed our long night conversations, our arguments, our kitchen and mostly our small dates. So, to my BLACK hearted girl you were my backbone in Italy and not having you here with me showed me how much I am thankful for you. To my MAMA you were my partner, my first and time can not take this from us. To my ALTA the one who’s always right, let me tell you something you were right! To the amazing eye girl, you gave the chance to be me even when you did not like it so, thank you. Finally, to the mystery of my journey thank you for showing me how really people see me.

A word to all of you who is reading this, EVS is much more that a volunteering program. It is a total life in one year, and no matter what are the consequences after it, it is a choice that you will not regret.  Because after it you will have a family other than your own family.

written by Rana
